Since its inception in the early 1900s, Stormy Kromer’s secret to success has been attention to detail. Every part of the famous cap has been created with thought and care, from the hand-made hat brims to the iconic pull-down headband. It only makes sense that the sizing is well thought out too! Stormy Kromer caps come in a wide variety of sizes to fit every type of noggin out there.

So, how do you find your hat size? Well, it’s as easy as Pi!


  1. Take a flexible tape measure (like the ones included in sewing kits) and wrap it around your head at the place where you most comfortably wear a hat.
  2. Write down your measurements in inches.
  3. Take your measurements and divide by 3.14 (pi), then round up to the nearest eighth.

And voila! Your own unique hat size. For more information, take a look at our size chart below:

See this Stormy Kromer video below for a step-by-step with visuals: