Retro Michigan Valentines
Do you remember Valentine's Day in grade school? At our school, we would all make our own valentine boxes (usually out of a shoebox), decorate them with glitter glue and display them proudly on our desks. Then, everyone would take turns filling them with candy and valentines.
Of course, the best valentines were the ones that came in perforated sheets of cardstock that you could buy at the pharmacy around the corner. They came in all kinds, from star wars to snoopy-themed. I loved taking out each card from my box and reading the clever little phrases on the front.

We at Peninsulas love the nostalgia of those little valentine cards, so we decided to make some of our own for you! Each design is inspired by Michiganders and what they love about our state, whether it's the language, the landscape, or just the snacks.

Click the button below, or click here to download these Michigander valentines. Then cut them out and give them to whomever you want to show some love to this Valentine's Day!
The first page of the pdf has a small selection of each design. The following pages have eight valentines per page, perfect for a classroom.

Lauren NyquistInspired by an appreciation for nature, compassion, and education, Lauren works with Peninsulas writing copy and creating new illustrations and designs for products. Some of Lauren’s favorite things involve drawing animals, learning more about nature, and making people smile. You can find more of her design and artwork at |