Michigan Script T-Shirt
Sizing Guide
We all have something we’re proud of— something we would wear on our sleeves or emblazon across our chests. It could be your school, city, or your favorite team, but we’re all die-hards in one way or another.
For us Michiganders, our pride rests with those two peninsulas, five Great Lakes, boundless natural resources, soaring industries, and over 175 years of being a national treasure — in our humble opinion. From hardships and tragedy to moments of triumph, we learn more about our state’s rich history every day, and we’re even more excited about its bright future.
It’s not about the college logos, professional sports teams, or city-centric slogans —it’s just pure state pride.
Spread a little home-state happiness and Michigan pride everywhere you go with our Michigan Script tee.
Heather prism lilac
99% cotton, 1% polyester
Respectfully reproduced by Peninsulas using authentic vintage imagery and inspiration.