101 Outdoor Adventures to Have Before You Grow Up

$20.00 $25.00


Be an adventurous kid! Conquer a rock wall, go ziplining, create a geocache at your favorite nature hangout, and camp without a tent. Most importantly, get your hands dirty. This guide offers up season-by-season activities, games, and challenges to get kids in the outdoors and loving it.

With a striking visual style meant for big kids, this is the perfect book for that middle-age group who aren't little anymore but haven't yet hit those teenage years. Winner of the 2019 National Outdoor Book Award for Children's Books!


  • Paperback
  • Authors: Stacy and Jack Tornio
  • Illustrator: Charity Ekpo
  • 312 pages
  • 6-½” x 9” x ½"
  • ISBN: 1493041401